This Just In…

I just got a note from the Peace Corps. My address, at least for the first three months in country, will be:

Vern Seward

Peace Corps

 Office PO Box 6862

Nachtigal Street

Ausspannplatz Windhoek, Namibia

I will have a new phone number too, but I won’t get that until I’m in country. Those of you who have my current number, please hold on to it. I have an unlocked phone and will purchase a new SIM card for the new number, and just hold on to my (US) number for emergencies, or when I visit, and when I get back at the end of my tour.

The Peace Corps also suggests that we use WhatsApp for texting and voice calls. I’m currently in WhatsApp, but it’s tied to my current phone number. My user name is Verngzr and I believe you’ll be able to find me that way when the number changes.

A friend who has been to Namibia and South Africa suggests that I also use Skype as it can be an inexpensive way to call and/or video call. I’m not sure many of you would want to see my ugly mug, my kids, however, have no choice. So, I will get Skype and use iMessage and FaceTime when I want to talk to my grandson.

Ain’t technology fun??

Stay tuned


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